Panthers End Bomber's Season

Panthers End Bomber's Season

PANORAMA, IA - The Ballard Bombers women's soccer team faced a challenging match in the regional quarterfinal against the #10 ranked Panorama Panthers.  Despite a valiant effort, the Bombers were unable to secure a win, falling to the Panthers 3-0.

Senior goalkeeper Kora Johnson was a standout for the Bombers, making an impressive 15 saves throughout the match.

This match marked a significant improvement for the Bombers, who had previously lost to Panorama 9-0 on April 23. The team's resilience and growth were evident as they put up a stronger fight in the regional quarterfinal.

The Bombers showed resilience and heart, battling hard against a formidable opponent. However, the Panthers' offensive pressure ultimately proved too much, with three goals securing their victory.

While the loss marks the end of the Bombers' season.