The Ballard Activities Department Facebook and Twitter pages are to inform parents, students, staff and community of on-going news and events in the district.  These pages will be updated as often as possible to share as much as we can about Ballard Activities, student and/or staff achievements and any other relevant information pertaining to Ballard Activities.

All posting and comments on these two accounts are at the discretion of the Ballard Activities Department and the Ballard Community School District.  The intent of this policy is not to keep any negative or critical information from being posted, but to protect the privacy and rights of the Ballard Community School District, students and staff, and the Ballard Activities Department.  For that reason, the Activities Department has decided to use these two social media tools as a form of one-way communication. 


To protect the integrity of the Ballard Community School District, the Activities Department have established the following guidelines:

*The ability to comment on the Ballard Activities Facebook wall has been disabled, as well as the ability to comment on any post on.  The Activities Department will not “friend” others.

*The Ballard Activities Twitter account will be kept private.

*Any comments made will not show up on the Activities’ timeline in Twitter, only on the individual’s timeline.

Thank you for “liking” the official Ballard Activities Facebook page and following us on Twitter.